Thursday, August 30, 2007

All dressed up and nowhere to go

After church Sunday, we tried to take some pictures of the girls in their dresses. Can we just say that Miss Savannah has very little tolerance for that sort of thing?

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Fun with the family

Smiles, Giggles & Tickles

Grace is so much fun! We love playing with her and trying to get her to laugh. These days she likes to be tickled and talked to. Her giggle is so cute and contagious.

Hair, Hair, Everywhere!

Now that Savannah's hair is quite long, Mom has been having fun trying new hair styles (including, but not limited to) a ponytail, pig tails, and a mohawk. Also, Savannah got her first hair cut last week when Mom attempted to trim her bangs. That was certainly an adventure!


Savannah can now say her name, "Nana"!

New Toys

This is the new laundry basket I bought for Savannah's room. However, two weeks later, it has still not been used as such. Savannah loves to wear it, sit on it, and climb around inside it. She also loves her new blocks. They were given to us as a gift for Grace, but Savannah is making use of them till Grace can. Grace has also found some great new toys--her toes! They work as toys, and the big toe works great as a pacifier when she is looking for something more exciting than her thumb. (Sorry about the sideways picture. I am still trying to figure all this blog stuff out.)